
Our Co-operative History

The history of co-operation in the province has made an incredible impact on our collective identity, culture, and lives. The stories go back even further than 75 years, before Newfoundland & Labrador entered into confederation with Canada in 1949. We also must recognize that the spirit and principles of co-operation have been nurtured and practiced by First Peoples here since time immemorial.

The Newfoundland & Labrador Federation of Co-operatives (NLFC) celebrated its 75th Anniversary in 2024. The organization has evolved over all those years and has brought us to where we are today. As the provincial association representing and supporting the growth of the co-operative and credit union sector of our province, we have and will continue to have unique role in our co-operative history in NL.

We’d like to extend sincere thanks to Israt Jahan Lipa, Student Historian, for conducting research and creating the articles and graphics below.

Contribute to our Growing Historical Collection

Submit your historical photos, objects, or artwork and help us to continue to develop the story of co-op history in Newfoundland & Labrador.

To arrange your submission of your item, please email Amanda.

75th Anniversary Documentary Film 

A film created by Olivia Garrett, Student Filmmaker.

Become Part of the Conversation

Lend your unique voice to the development of Newfoundland & Labrador’s co-operative movement by becoming a member of the NLFC today!