
About Membership

Any co-op or credit union operating in Newfoundland & Labrador can become a member of the NLFC and we are happy to represent your interests! In order to become a Full Member with the opportunity to vote on important issues and take advantage of all NLFC programs, you must voluntarily apply and pay your annual membership due.


Membership eligibility is not limited to co-ops and credit unions; organizations outside the sector that support our mission, vision, and values are able to become an Associate Member; however associate members and partners do not retain voting rights.

Our Full Members

Our Associate Members

Newfoundland & Labrador is home to more than 70 co-operatives and credit unions, many with multiple branches. Click on this link to view the head office locations using CMC’s interactive co-op database.

Become Part of the Conversation

Lend your unique voice to the development of Newfoundland & Labrador’s co-operative movement by becoming a member of the NLFC today!

Benefits of Being a Member

We are proud to be part of a network of provincial co-op associations and councils across Canada that are linked through Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (CMC), our country’s national co-operative sector association. As members of the NLFC, our co-operatives and credit unions are subsequently a part of this national network that supports the growth and development of the co-operative sector across our province, our country, and the world.

St. John's Community Market

We partner with the Government of Newfoundland & Labrador, Atlantic Central, and The Co-operators to deliver services that contribute to the growth and success of our provincial co-op sector. These services include, but are not limited to:

  • opportunities to connect with local co-ops, credit unions, sector organizations, government departments, and agencies.
  • research and advisory support particularly in relation to project planning, government and public relations, and legislative compliance.
  • access to workshops and training modules focusing on co-op basics, board roles and responsibilities, marketing, technology utilization, member retention, accounting practices, recruitment, and more. 

Through our partnership with the Government of Newfoundland & Labrador, we can help deliver Community Capacity Building workshops and trainings for members at any time, such as Conflict Resolution, Board Governance Training, Strategic Planning, and more.

For more resources and contact information, see the Department of Industry, Energy and Technology’s website:

Member Perks Program

Insurance for Co-ops

Through our partnership with Co-operators, our members have access to insurance plans specifically designed for co-operatives (Co-op Guard) and for co-operative members (Member Benefits Program).

Explore the links below or email Co-operators directly to make full use of your member benefits today:

Co-op Guard combines all the protection your co-op needs in one package. Because each co-op has its own unique needs, NLFC members utilizing this program can tailor their coverage at an affordable price. Coverage ranges from essential liability coverages like Commercial General Liability and Blanket Accident Insurance, to specialty liability coverages like Directors and Officer’s Liability and Privacy Breach. NLFC members can access employee benefit programs through Co-op Guard.
If you are a member of NFLC, the individual members of your co-op have access to enhanced coverage and exclusive savings on their insurance.
In addition to exclusive Member Benefit Program coverage and savings, Co-operators offer investment solutions and advice to help you reach your financial goals, and Life and health insurance to protect your loved ones and their financial future.
Access your benefits today!

Through our partnership with Genrus United we offer access to an affordable prescription medication coverage program.

Through our partnership with PAL Airlines we offer considerable discounts on ALL PAL Airlines and Air Borealis flights, including newly added routes.

Through our partnership with Perkopolis we offer coupons and discounts on over 5000 products and services.

Co-operative Outreach Fund

The Co-operative Outreach Fund is to encourage the development of smaller co-operatives by helping them gain co-op knowledge and progress in their development, building the co-operative sector. Co-ops can apply multiple times and can receive a maximum of up to $1,000 per fiscal year from the total fund.


Find out more and apply: