
In 2017 we renewed our partnership with the Department of Innovation, Energy, and Technology for the third consecutive five-year team. This partnership allows us to jointly deliver services that contribute to the growth and development of the co-operative sector in our province. This Memorandum of Understanding is supported by our ability to provide:
A regional advisory network that responds to requests for assistance from local co-ops and credit unions
Facilitation for the development of new co-ops and credit unions to serve the communities of Newfoundland & Labrador
Small loans or equity investments for existing and newly developing co-ops in order to leverage additional project financing requirements
Business assessment and advisory services through the Business Retention and Expansion program.
Co-op education and development workshops, free of charge, through the Community Capacity Building (CCB) program, which includes two modules; an introduction to the co-operative business sector in the province and an overview of the developmental process for creating a new co-operative in Newfoundland & Labrador.
We also work closely with the Department of Digital Government and Service NL, which houses the Registrar of Co-operatives and the Registry of Co-operatives, and is responsible for the maintenance of the Co-op Act.

Co-operators is a leading Canadian financial services co-operative, offering multi-line insurance and investment products, services, and personalized advice to help Canadians build their financial strength and security. The company has more than $62.6 billion in assets under administration.
Co-operators has been providing trusted guidance to Canadians for the past 76 years. The organization is well known for its community involvement and its commitment to sustainability. Achieving carbon neutral equivalency in 2020, the organization is committed to net-zero emissions in its operations and investments by 2040, and 2050, respectively. Co-operators is also ranked as a Corporate Knights’ Best 50 Corporate Citizen in Canada and is listed among the Best Employers in Canada by Kincentric.
In 1967 we became a member-owner of Co-operators, and today are one of only 45 member-owners across the country. Their organization provides us with incredible support in the way of: educational opportunities, insurance benefits, and funding.

Atlantic Central is the regional trade association for credit unions in Atlantic Canada, dedicated to helping create a strong, thriving, and sustainable community of credit unions. In addition to liquidity management, Atlantic Central provides a range of services and leadership to support credit unions in becoming the financial institution of choice. Together, they work to advance the collective voice of the Atlantic credit union system and to enable credit unions and the communities they serve to grow well.
Atlantic Central is proud to be a Certified B CorporationTM joining a global movement of people using business as a force for good. As a B Corp they are committed to making business decisions that are in the best interests of their employees, communities, credit unions and their members.
New Partnership Opportunities
We’re always looking for more opportunities to partner and meet mutual needs. Reach out to us today to chat.