Rosalind Langer

Mount Pearl, NL

Co-operative Housing Association of NL (CHANAL) and Barbour Manors Housing Co-op

Rosalind Langer is the current Property & Project Manager at CHANAL. She has served in this position for 24 years, providing a myriad of services, including education and development, to current and emerging housing co-operatives in the province.

Rosalind has also been a member of Barbour Manors Housing Co-op for 20 years, currently serving as Treasurer on the Board. Prior to Barbour Manors, Rosalind was a member of Easton Housing Co-op for 23 years.

Other roles Rosalind has had over the years include:

  • NL Regional Advisory Board Homelessness Partnering Strategy for Rural and Remote NL, and NL RAB ARC (Application Review Committee) – 2009 – 2015
  • City of St. John’s, Seniors Affordable Housing Committee – 2013 – 2016
  • Reclaim CDO, Vice-President – 2022-Current